Having a great banking system in place is crucial to helping you better manage your money. Money plays a role in so many aspects of our lives, so if you don’t have your money figured out, it’s going to have an effect on other areas of your life. In this episode, I'm sharing a few of the banking tips that I’ve personally implemented, that I believe are especially helpful when you’re dealing with both business finances and personal finances.
Show Notes: https://www.wanderwealthypodcast.com/podcast/episode157
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Tess is the founder of Wander Wealthy and the lead Wealth and Mindset Coach for Online Coaches. She works one-on-one with her clients to help them find ease in their personal and business finances. She is also the host of The Wander Wealthy Podcast and excited to bring you new ideas, tips, and tactics through solo shows and exclusive interviews with other smart and savvy entrepreneurs.
Buying a home is one of the bigger life transitions people face, and it can be an expensive and somewhat daunting task if you aren't knowledgeable about the process. Justine Chan is the founder of Live With Plum, a company focused on removing the archaic homebuying process of old and empowering all women on their journey towards homeownership. In this episode, Justine is sharing a few insights into what the homebuying looks like for self-employed women and some of the need-to-know boxes you should be thinking about before you start looking for your next home.
Show Notes: https://www.wanderwealthypodcast.com/podcast/episode156
Ready to create profit, effortlessly, in your business? Download The 5-Step Easy Profit Roadmap.
Get on the Guest List for the Payday Party Workshop (next one takes place in February 2020!)
Ready to work with me? Apply Here.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a review on iTunes. (It helps a lot!)
Tess is the founder of Wander Wealthy and the lead Wealth and Mindset Coach for Online Coaches. She works one-on-one with her clients to help them find ease in their personal and business finances. She is also the host of The Wander Wealthy Podcast and excited to bring you new ideas, tips, and tactics through soloshows and exclusive interviews with other smart and savvy entrepreneurs.
The concept of Be-Do-Have is commonly used, but so often it’s applied in the incorrect way, and used by many online coaches and teachers for personal gain. In this episode I’m diving deep into this concept and how we can correctly approach it, along with a few of my own gripes about the use of the process.
Show Notes: https://www.wanderwealthypodcast.com/podcast/episode155
Ready to create profit, effortlessly, in your business? Download The 5-Step Easy Profit Roadmap.
Get on the Guest List for the Payday Party Workshop (next one takes place in February 2020!)
Want to work with me in my most exclusive coaching package, yet? Email me!
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a review on iTunes. (It helps a lot!)
Tess is the founder of Wander Wealthy and the lead Wealth and Mindset Coach for Online Coaches. She works one-on-one with her clients to help them find ease in their personal and business finances. She is also the host of The Wander Wealthy Podcast and excited to bring you new ideas, tips, and tactics through solo shows and exclusive interviews with other smart and savvy entrepreneurs.
Asking your clients for referrals and testimonials is just good business, but sometimes we’re resistant to the ask. Margo Carroll is an empathy marketing strategist and email funnel copywriter for sustainable brands and online business owners. In this episode we’re talking all about how to be more empathetic to your customer base, and how doing so can grow your referrals. Since Margo is a marketing expert, we also discuss referral marketing strategies and if webinars are still worth your time.
Show Notes: https://www.wanderwealthypodcast.com/podcast/episode154
Download the Trailblazer’s Anti-Roadmap for Online Business Success.
Ready to create profit, effortlessly, in your business? Download The 5-Step Easy Profit Roadmap.
Get on the Guest List for the Payday Party Workshop (next one takes place in February 2020!)
Ready to work with me? Apply Here.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and leave a review on iTunes. (It helps a lot!)
Tess is the founder of Wander Wealthy and the lead Wealth and Mindset Coach for Online Coaches. She works one-on-one with her clients to help them find ease in their personal and business finances. She is also the host of The Wander Wealthy Podcast and excited to bring you new ideas, tips, and tactics through soloshows and exclusive interviews with other smart and savvy entrepreneurs.