This is the fourth episode in our month of replays from the best of Words and Money of 2016. This week we're throwing it back to an interview with Cait Flanders. She's an expert on personal finance and minimalist living. Hear how she got herself out of thousands of dollars of personal consumer debt and then went on a 2-year shopping ban. Check out the show notes here.
This week we're throwing it back to a little entrepreneurial and manifesting money inspiration. In this episode I interview world-renowned business strategist and master coach, Jessica Nazarali about how she built her fast growing 6-to-7-figure business. Check out the show notes for more details.
This week is another REPLAY episode of one of the top listened to (actually, this is THE top listened to) episodes of 2016! In this episode, Katie Waters of Stable Waters Financial walks us through the insurance policies that we might want to consider at various stages in our lives. To see more details on this show, check out the show notes.
For the month of January we are featuring some of the top most listened to episodes from last year's two seasons of the Words and Money Podcast. This week we hear Michelle Bobrow walk us through what it means to spend on things that make us feel good and a fun way to start having the money conversation with our honeys. Check out the shot notes here.